
Moving Files Locally to a Remote Server Using GitHub
Posted on June 9, 2014 in Git by Matt Jennings

  1. If you have a Windows machine, install Cygwin for free which will give you a shell that is similar to Linux.
  2. Go to and create an online account. Then, on the same website download GitHub for your Desktop.
  3. Open your GitHub Desktop app and click on the cross (similar to ) in the upper-left.
  4. In the Name field type in the name of your repository. This will also be the same name of a directory that is created inside of the Local path field.
  5. Click the Create repository button.
  6. Open the Cygwin shell to navigation inside your repository directory. For example, a myGitRepository might be located at the path below:
  7. Type git and press Enter. You should see a description of Git shell commands. This is to insure you have GitHub installed.
  8. To prepare an index.html file inside the myGitRepository directory to be uploaded to your online GitHub account, type git add index.html and press Enter. Or, you can prepare to upload all edited files to your GitHub account by typing  git commit -ma and pressing Enter.
  9. Then open your GitHub Desktop app and you should see an Uncommited changes message near the top. Enter text in the Summary field and clicked on the Commit to master button just below that field.
  10. Finally, click on the Publish Repository or Sync button in the upper-right to commit those changes to your online GitHub account.
  11. Now when you log into your online GitHub account you should see those changes.

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