
Archive for the GitHub Category

GitHub Continuous Integration
Posted on September 2, 2020 in Git, GitHub by Matt Jennings

Merging smaller commits frequently, instead of waiting until a project is “done” and doing one big merge.
This means that features …

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Git Destructive Operations and Recovering Lost Work
Posted on September 1, 2020 in Git, GitHub by Matt Jennings

git checkout — <file>
If the file is present in the staging area, it’ll be overwritten.
git reset –hard
Will overwrite changes that …

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GitHub Forks and Remote Repositories
Posted on September 1, 2020 in Git, GitHub by Matt Jennings


Open source version control software


Repository hosting
Pull requests

A remote is a git repository that is stored somewhere else – on the …

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How to Review GitHub Pull Requests When Building a Node.js App
Posted on October 21, 2019 in Git, GitHub, Node.js by Matt Jennings

In a GitHub repo checkout the Pull Request (PR) branch name, like cool-feature-branch.
In your Terminal, to fetch all remote branches …

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Using GitHub with Cygwin After Setting Up an RSA Key and a User
Posted on June 17, 2014 in Command Line, GitHub, Linux by Matt Jennings

Open Cygwin and navigate to the parent directory or where your repositories are located.

If needed type chgrp Users * …

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