
Archive for the jQuery Category

Quote with Twitter Demo
Posted on May 14, 2018 in JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress by Matt Jennings

This is an example quote!

A Simple jQuery Slideshow
Posted on October 31, 2015 in JavaScript, jQuery by Matt Jennings

See the JSFiddle for this code including the jQuery, CSS, and HTML.

How to Mimic Simulate the input placeholder Attribute in Internet Explorer 9 Using Plain JS and jQuery
Posted on October 31, 2015 in JavaScript, jQuery by Matt Jennings

See this JSFiddle for the code.

Using OOP JavaScript and jQuery to Shuffle a Deck of Cards, Deal a First Card, Deal a Random Card, and use this
Posted on July 9, 2015 in JavaScript, jQuery by Matt Jennings

Some of the code snippets below are from my deck of cards JavaScript game that uses object constructors, …

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Using .submit(), return false, and .serialize() with Forms
Posted on June 9, 2015 in jQuery by Matt Jennings

Example code below of what .submit(), return false, and .serialize() in jQuery do when used with forms:

<!DOCTYPE html>

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