
Archive for the MySQL Category

Update a Single MySQL Table Row using CodeIgniter with Model, Controller, and View Code Examples
Posted on July 2, 2015 in CodeIgniter, MVC, MySQL, PHP by Matt Jennings

class UserDashboardModel extends CI_Model

// Update a single database row
public function update_single_record($post_data, $user_id)

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Display a Single MySQL Table Row using CodeIgniter with Model, Controller, and View Code Examples
Posted on July 2, 2015 in CodeIgniter, MVC, MySQL, PHP by Matt Jennings

class UserDashboardModel extends CI_Model

// Show a single table row
public function show_single_user($user_id)

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Display all MySQL Table Rows using CodeIgniter with Model, Controller, and View Code Examples
Posted on July 2, 2015 in CodeIgniter, MVC, MySQL, PHP by Matt Jennings

class UserDashboardModel extends CI_Model
// Get all rows from “users” table
public function show_all_users()

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Using the mysqli_real_escape_string() and md5() Functions to Escape and Encrypt a Submitted Password
Posted on June 19, 2015 in MySQL, PHP by Matt Jennings

Example code:

$esc_sec_password = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, md5($_POST[‘password’]));

Using the mysqli_real_escape_string() PHP Function to Fight MySQL Injection
Posted on June 19, 2015 in MySQL, PHP by Matt Jennings

To prevent hackers from entering MySQL queries into forms that will do damage to my database, I need to Read more

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